Oct 4, 20153 min read
Book Review: Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell
David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas is insane. Insanely well-written, insanely intricate, and yes, just plain insane. Much of this craziness...

Sep 18, 20152 min read
Book Review: The Martian, by Andy Weir
If I told you Andy Weir’s The Martian is packed with lists, math, and chemistry, but no aliens, you’d probably pass, right? But that...

Aug 24, 20153 min read
Book Review: The Stand, by Stephen King
In Stephen King’s foreword to the revised version of The Stand, his 1,200-page apocalyptic tale about the impact of an accidentally...

Jun 29, 20152 min read
Book Review: Uprooted, by Naomi Novik
Like her Temeraire series, Naomi Novik’s Uprooted starts with a dragon. But this creature of legend isn’t a wyrm: he’s a human wizard....

Jun 16, 20152 min read
Book Review: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke
It’s not often I like a book’s narrator better than its characters. But that was my experience for much of Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan...

May 11, 20152 min read
Book Review: Saints Astray, by Jacqueline Carey
Jacqueline Carey is one of my favorite authors. Her Kushiel's Legacy and Naamah trilogies, set (originally) in a reimagined medieval...

Apr 29, 20152 min read
Book Review: On Writing, by Stephen King
It’s easy to assume (and maybe even hope) that Stephen King isn’t a good writer—surely someone so prolific, popular, and obsessed with...

Apr 15, 20152 min read
Book Review: The Century Trilogy, by Ken Follett
Historical fiction doesn’t get much more ambitious than the Century Trilogy, Ken Follett’s attempt at telling the story of the 20th...