Oct 21, 20193 min read
Writing Tips: How to Hurtle Your Writer's Block
Here's the text of an article Janice Hardy was kind enough to let me post on her excellent Fiction University site. I’ve never really had...

Nov 23, 20182 min read
Book Review: Writing the Blockbuster Novel, by Albert Zuckerman
Like most books about writing, Albert Zuckerman’s Writing the Blockbuster Novel doesn’t say much you haven’t read elsewhere. But some of...

Feb 19, 20172 min read
Book Review: Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life is more an example of good writing than a manual for how to produce it....

Oct 17, 20162 min read
Book Review: Save the Cat, by Blake Snyder
It’s tempting to say the best thing about Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! is the title. (And the cover—don’t let go, kitty! HOLD ON!) But...
Aug 9, 20163 min read
Writing Tips: Plotting Your Pants (Wait, That Sounds Bad…)
Here's the text of a post Janice Hardy kindly allowed me to make on her excellent Fiction University site: Some authors plot their novels...
Apr 23, 20162 min read
Writing Tips: First-Person Character Creation
Character creation’s hard. For me, at least. Plotting comes relatively easy, whether I plan it, pants it (i.e., improvise it by the seat...

Feb 6, 20161 min read
Book Review: The Kick-Ass Writer, by Chuck Wendig
Chuck Wendig’s The Kick-Ass Writer: 1001 Ways to Write Great Fiction, Get Published, & Earn Your Audience won’t change your writing life....

Apr 29, 20152 min read
Book Review: On Writing, by Stephen King
It’s easy to assume (and maybe even hope) that Stephen King isn’t a good writer—surely someone so prolific, popular, and obsessed with...