Apr 14, 20187 min read
New Release: The Ascenders
The Ascenders comes out today! The first chapter is below. Enjoy! ---- The infernal pig shot out of Chase’s hands, scrabbling further...

Apr 7, 20182 min read
Book Review: The Girl with Ghost Eyes, by M. H. Boroson
The Girl with Ghost Eyes might be the first cultural fantasy I’ve read. M. H. Boroson’s novel is packed with plenty of history too. The...

Feb 24, 20184 min read
New Release: The Battle Dancer
The Battle Dancer is out! It's a quick read—only 14,000 words or so. The first scene is below. Enjoy! ---- As recently as six months...

Jan 17, 20181 min read
Pre-order: The Battle Dancer
My novella The Battle Dancer is available for pre-order! It's a bit of an odd bird—I built it from some of the 70,000 or so words I cut...

Dec 3, 20172 min read
Book Review: The Master Magician, by Charlie Holmberg
Charlie Holmberg’s Paper Magician series has a lot going for it. The magic system is great: magicians have to bond to a specific manmade...

Nov 27, 20161 min read
New Release: The Red Wraith Is Available in Print!
Hi everyone, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and gained less weight than I did:) Just wanted to let you know that Edge Science...

Oct 31, 20161 min read
Book Review: Ghost Talkers, by Mary Robinette Kowal
All too often, soldiers make the ultimate sacrifice. But what if death didn’t relieve them of their duties? What if the fallen still had...

Sep 29, 20161 min read
Book Review: The Glass Magician, by Charlie Holmberg
Like its predecessor The Paper Magician, Charlie Holmberg’s The Glass Magician is crisp, creative, and vaguely unsatisfying. Ceony, the...

Aug 17, 20162 min read
Book Review: League of Dragons, by Naomi Novik
What happens when you take Patrick O’Brian’s Jack Aubrey and grant his ship thoughts, wings, and the ability to breathe sonic waves? You...

Jul 25, 20162 min read
Book Review: The Paper Magician, by Charlie Holmberg
For a book that clocks in at only 226 pages, Charlie Holmberg’s The Paper Magician sure delves into a lot of backstory. Stranger still,...